Wednesday, November 30, 2011

In The Beginning....

Let me first start out by saying I am not a writer nor a comedian, so this blog will probably not be filled with beautifully written paragraphs and I'll never try to be funnier than I actually am, BUT I do happen to always find myself in situations that have me say "This could ONLY have happened to me." 

I recently married my best friend (awww, I know you all said it in your puppy dog voice) and he is the love of my life. I really could not have asked for a better husband and am so thankful I have him in my life.  He has a wonderful 6 year old daughter that we raise together so not only am I learning how to be June Cleaver, but I'm learning how to be Annie Camden (you know the mom from 7th Heaven who raised 9 kids all while having the house clean by 5 everyday with dinner cooked, oh and fixed everything around the house) can call me Wonder Woman from here on out!

So Justin and I dated for a little while before we tied the knot and we did things the "old fashioned" way. We did not live together until we were married, which is almost unheard of these days, so life is going to get pretty interesting for us throughout this journey :)  The past 2 weeks have been a lot of fun, and definitely compromising, but nothing we can't work through. For instance I haven't quite figured out why everytime I turn on my TV now it's ALWAYS set to ESPN..hmmm, I don't really remember buying "sports only" package from my cable provider but I will have to check in on that, although if you ask him he will say it's always set to LMN :)

I don't have an actual entry today, this is just my introduction note. I can't promise I will have something everyday, but I'm sure it'll be quite often, hope you have fun and get a few good laughs at my expense :)

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